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Day 5 - We went through Arraiolos, famous for its embroidered wool rugs and carpets on our way to a cork farm where we learned all about harvesting the bark from a special breed of oak tree. About half the world's cork comes from this region of Portugal. There are only a few months of the year in which the timing is right to harvest, and we were there at the right time this year. After a tour of the farm, the family hosted lunch for us in their beautiful barn.
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We stayed at the medieval-themed Hotel Real d'Óbidos for two nights. The town was more than enchanting and inspired both late night and early morning photo shoots for Karen and Rodney. 
Sunrise in Óbidos (via drone)
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Fatima took us on an “orientation walk” on the cobblestoned labyrinth streets through the history, architecture, and culture of Óbidos; and we sampled the famous liquor, Ginja d’Óbidos, served in a chocolate cup.
That evening we gathered in the hotel lobby to cheer on Portugal, who defeated Holland 1 to 0, in the finals of the inaugural Nations' League soccer competition!
Day 6 - After a day trip to Alcobaça and Nazaré, we returned to Óbidos where Queen Fatima (our fabulous guide in a great medieval costume) had a surprise for us. We met in the lobby of our hotel and she led us out to the terrace where we had quite the party of sausage, cheese, bread, olives, beer, wine, and more. Óbidos is a medieval town and our hotel had a medieval theme, so the setup was perfect. After our party on the patio (including dancing to an accordion minstrel), we came inside to a wonderful feast.
And who can resist doing the Portuguese Chicken Dance?!?!
To Alcobaça and Nazaré
Portugal Home Page
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Lots of dancing!!  What a fun celebration with our new friends!