Douro Valley
To Porto
Copyright Karen Overall                                                                                                                                                                   Travelin' Trio Home Page
Day 9 - On the drive from Coimbra to Duoro Valley, we made a scheduled stop at a gas station/restaurant . . . except the restaurant was closed and there was only one attendant in the convenience store trying to make coffee while also managing the checkout counter. Turns out Fatima's family owns a restaurant and she grew up waitressing, so she stepped behind the counter to help make coffee, and saved the day! Rick isn’t kidding when he says, “your guide is motivated to give you the best travel experience possible!”
We arrived at Quinta Santa Eufémia, a family owned vineyard with over 50 hectares under vines. The family came to the Douro in the 17th century. Their great-grandfather, Bernardo Rodrigues de Carvalho, started the process of growth and acquisition of vineyards and production  of the Port Quinta Santa Eufemia in 1864. Following a lovely stroll through the grounds and a tour of the winery, we had a delicious homemade lunch.
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Rodney captured some fun moments and scenes with his drone!
After more scenic drives through Douro Valley's wine country, we arrived at our resort for the night, the Hotel Vila Gale Douro. Situated in the valley, it overlooked Lamego and the Balsemão River. 
We topped off our day with a cocktail party and buffet dinner at our elegant hotel (served with wine from Douro Valley, of course).
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